• GLOACTIVE is a bio-activator of root growth and development enriched with bioactive metabolites from plant extracts.
  • GLOACTIVE regulates the hormonal balance of plant to favor the activation and proliferation of root system
  • GLOACTIVE increase the root mass and supply the energy requirement the plant need to develop a healthy and efficient lateral roots.
  • GLOACTIVE rapidly reactivates the growth of new lateral roots and root hairs of fruit tress
  • GLOACTIVE improves the thickness of the stem and favor the development of the vigorous canopy thanks to the role of GLOACTIVE in ensuring a well-established root system.
  • The effect of GLOACTIVE extends to the end of crop cycle thanks its impact in establishing a high efficiency root system which is essential for nutrient and water uptake during flowering and fruiting


Zinc (Zn) Soluble in water 2% w/w

Application rates:

Type of Crop Root application
Horticultural, vegetables, and field crops 150  – 200 cc/ decares
Woody crops and Fruit trees 200 – 250 cc/ decares


Dimensions 10 × 5 × 7 cm